sabato 29 novembre - ore 20:30
“BALLATA DALL’ESILIO” dedicato a Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (Firenze 1895–Beverly Hills 1968) nel Quarantennale della morte
SHAKESPEARE SONGS da The Passionate Pilgrim op. 24 Seals of Love (from “Measure far measure”) Arise! (from Cymbeline”)
BALLATA DALL’ESILIO (Guido Cavalcanti)
ROMANCES VIEJOS op. 75 su poesie del Medio Evo spagnolo La Ermita de San Simon Romance del Conde Arnaldos
TONADILLA sul nome di Andrés Segovia Greeting Card op. 170 n. 5 per chitarra
THE DIVAN OF MOSES-IBN-EZRA op. 207 Part I – SONGS OF WANDERING When the morning of life has passed The dove that nests in the tree-top Wrung with anguish
Part II – SONGS OF FRIENDSHIP Sorrow shatters my heart Fate has blocked the way O brook
Part III – OF WINE, AND OF THE DELIGHTS OF THE SONS OF MEN Drink deep, my friend Duil and sad is the sky The garden dons a coat of many hues
Part IV – THE WORLD AND ITS VICISSITUDES Men and children of this world The world is like a woman of folly Only in God I trust
Part V – THE TRANSIENCE OF THIS WORLD Where are the graves Let man remember all his days I have seen upon the earth Come now, to the Court of Death Peace upon them I behold ancient graves
EPILOGUE Wouldst thou look upon me in my grave? |